Using Mouse Tracks Audit 32

Mouse Tracks Audit 32 is a program that will facilitate the collection of computer hardware and software information. This program will automate the collection process and save you data entry time. You can use this tool automatically through network logon scripts, or manually by visiting each workstation. This program is compatible with Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP and Windows 2003 Server.

Mouse Tracks 2009 installs the Audit Program as part of the client installation.

Installing Mouse Tracks Audit 32 (to a shared location)

1.  Using Windows Explorer, Open the folder 'C:\Program Files\Gritware\Mouse Tracks 2009' 

2.  Right-Click on the 'MTAudit' Folder and choose 'Copy'

3.  Browse to the shared location where you wish to run Mouse Tracks Audit 32 then Right-Click and choose 'Paste'

3.  Set file and directory permission to the folder.  Using z:\MTAudit as an example, all users would need read access to z:\MTAudit and read/write access to z:\MTAudit\mtdata.  Mouse Tracks Inventory users who will be importing the audit files will need read/write/delete privileges to z:\MTAudit\mtdata.

4.  Make sure the following files are in this directory.

5.  View the readme.txt file to view the latest information.

Running Mouse Tracks Audit 32

Manually - Using Windows Explorer browse to the mtaudit32.exe file and run the executable

Using Network Logon Scripts - If you want to include the audit program as part of a network logon script, add the mtaudit32.exe command to your network logon scripts (e.g., z:\MTAudit\mtaudit32.exe).

See Also

Importing Audit Files

MTAudit32.ini Settings