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Dashboard Controls

Web Tracks gives you quite a bit of flexibility when it comes to the presentation of your web application.  One powerful way in which Web Tracks allows for a high level of customization is through Dashboard Objects.  The following figure shows how dashboard objects can be used to give a customized view of the home page...

Dashboard objects can be graphs (which you can create) or Text/HTML. 

The location of the dashboard control can be in the login page, home page, or the footer. 

NOTE: the home page displays text objects in the left hand column and graph objects in the right hand column.  Furthermore graph objects can only be displayed on the home page (in the right hand column).

You can set the visibility of the control based upon the user's permissions to Web Tracks.  For example the 'Administrative Shortcuts' control in the image above is only available to view by administrators.  
An administrator of Web Tracks can configure the Dashboard Controls by selecting the 'Admin' Menu and then selecting the 'Dashboard Objects' menu items.

The following is a list of attributes that apply to Dashboard Objects:


Dashboard Item Name
Enter the name of the dashboard control which you are creating.

Enter a short description which describes the purpose of this item

Display Start Date (optional)
If left blank the dashboard object will begin displaying immediately.  If a date is entered the dashboard object will not display unless it's greater than or equal to the current date.

Display End Date (optional)
If left blank the dashboard object will display indefinitely.  If a date is entered the dashboard object will stop being displayed once the entered date has passed.

Display Order
Dashboard objects with lower 'Display Order' numbers are displayed first. 

If a dashboard object is not marked Active it will not be displayed. 


Dashboard Object Type
 Text   Choose this option to create a text/html dashboard objects
 Graph   Choose this option to create a Graph dashboard object

 Home Page  Object is displayed on the home page (left column for text, right column for graphs)
 Footer  Object is displayed in the footer (this option sets visibility to all)
 Login Page  Object is display in the login page (this option sets visibility to all)

 Administrators  Only Administrators will see this object
 All Users  Everyone will see this object
 End-Users  Users who are NOT technicians will see this object
 Inventory Licensed  Only users with Inventory permissions will see this object
 Purchasing Licensed  Only users with Purchasing permissions will see this object
 Knowledge Base Licensed  Only users with Knowledge Base permissions will see this object
 Service Desk Licensed  Only users with Service Desk permissions will see this object

Text Settings *
Use the HTML Editor to customize the Text/HTML output of the dashboard object.

Text Variables (only applies to text dashboard objects placed on the home page)

You may insert any of these variables into your Text dashboard object.

 %DATE%  Current date in Long Date format according to your regional settings
 %DATETIME% Current date in Long Date, Short Time format according to your regional settings
 %TIME% Current time in Short Time format according to your regional settings
 %USERID% User ID of the signed in User
 %USERFNAME% First name of the signed in User
 %USERLNAME% Last name of the signed in User
 %SESSIONLENGTH% Session Length as set in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
 %COMPUTERNAME%   Client Computer Name on which the User is signed in
 %IPADDRESS% Client Computer's IP Address
 %CNT_TICKETS_ALL% Count of all Tickets in the Database
 %CNT_OPEN_TICKETS% Count of all Open Service Desk Tickets
 %CNT_OPEN_TICKETS_TECH% Count of Open Service Desk Tickets where the signed in user is the technician
 %CNT_OPEN_TICKETS_USER% Count of Open Service Desk Tickets where the signed in user is the requester
 %CNT_OPEN_TICKETS_UNASSIGNED% Count of Open Service Desk Tickets that are unassigned
 %CNT_CLOSED_TICKETS% Count of all Closed Service Desk Tickets
 %CNT_CLOSED_TICKETS_TECH% Count of Closed Service Desk Tickets where the signed in user is the technician
 %CNT_CLOSED_TICKETS_USER% Count of Closed Service Desk Tickets where the signed in user is the requester
 %CNT_CLOSED_TICKETS_UNASSIGNED% Count of Closed Service Desk Tickets that are unassigned
 %CNT_PENDING_TICKETS% Count of all Pending Service Desk Tickets
 %CNT_PENDING_TICKETS_TECH% Count of Pending Service Desk Tickets where the signed in user is the technician
 %CNT_PENDING_TICKETS_USER% Count of Pending Service Desk Tickets where the signed in user is the requester
 %CNT_PENDING_TICKETS_UNASSIGNED% Count of Pending Service Desk Tickets that are unassigned
 %CNT_WORKHOURS_TODAY%  Count of Work Hours for the current day where the signed in user is the technician
 %CNT_WORKHOURS_WEEK% Count of Work Hours for the current week where the signed in user is the technician
 %CNT_WORKHOURS_MONTH% Count of Work Hours for the current month where the signed in user is the technician
 %CNT_OPEN_POS% Count of all Open Purchase Orders in the database
 %CNT_OPEN_POS_USER% Count of Open Purchase Orders where the signed in user is the PO Writer
 %CNT_CLOSED_POS% Count of all Close Purchase Orders in the database
 %CNT_CLOSED_POS_USER% Count of Closed Purchase Orders where the signed in user is the PO Writer
 %CNT_KB_ARTICLES% Count of All KB Articles in the database
 %CNT_KB_ARTICLES_PRIVATE% Count of Private KB Articles in the database
 %CNT_KB_ARTICLES_PUBLIC% Count of Public KB Articles in the database
 %CNT_COMPS% Count of Computers in the database
 %CNT_PERIPHS% Count of Peripherals in the database
 %CNT_SOFTWARE_ASSETS% Count of Software Assets in the database
 %CNT_DOCS% Count of Documentation Assets in the database

Graph Settings **

Select Graph: Choose the graph to be displayed.

Graph Height: Choose the height of the graph

* This setting is only available when the dashboard object type is set to Text.

** These settings are only available when the dashboard object type is set to Graph.

See also