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Menu Settings

Web Tracks 2014 allows you to customize the main menu bar.   This allows you to change the text, icon, and the order on which items appear on the main menu bar.  Editing your menu is global (not per user) and requires Web Tracks Administrative rights.  As of now the main menu bar is the only customizable menu.  Future editions may expand on this.

To modify one of the menu items open Admin -- Menu Settings and then click the edit link for the menu item you wish to modify.  The following fields are then available:

Menu Text (Required)
The Text which appears on the menu item (15 character max).  The entire menu width is limited to approximately 760 pixels.  Having multiple menu items with long names could force the menu outside the application boundaries.  Consider using abbreviations with tool tips to keep the menu from overflowing. 

Tool Tip
When hovering over a menu item this text will be displayed.  If a tool tip is entered this will also be used as the description in the bread crumb trail.  If the tool tip is left blank the "Menu Text" will be used in the bread crumb trail.

Menu Image Url
The Url for the image file.  Use "~/" to specify the root of the web site.  Otherwise provide the full http path to the image file. 

Detail Form Label (Required)*  
The text which appears on the edit form at the end of the bread crumbs.

New Record Text*
The sub-menu text to display for a new record link.  Leave this value blank to not display a new record link.

Sort Order (Required) 
The order in which the menu items will appear from left to right (lower values appear first).

Hide this Menu Item 
Hiding the menu item will remove it from the menu bar.  Hiding the menu item does not remove the functionality, therefore you may still open the page by entering its Url. 

* Not applicable to the 'Admin' and 'Home' menu items.

See also