ID 1099

INFO: What's New in Web Tracks 2023 (12.0.3)



OAuth2 Modern Authentication Support for Office 365 IMAP and POP3

Microsoft Office 365 has disabled Basic Authentication for both IMAP and POP3. Web Tracks 2023 now supports Modern Authentication using OAuth2 tokens for authenticating with the e-Mail server.

SQL Server 2022 Support

This version of Web Tracks supports Microsoft SQL Server 2012 through 2022.

Streamlined Ticket Comments

The Ticket Comments section in a help desk ticket has been revamped to look more like a "conversation" rather than a grid of fields.

In addition, Tickets will no longer have "Descriptions". Instead, a new field has been added that has existed behind the scenes for a few releases. Tickets will now have a required "Subject" field that can contain up to 255 characters of text. If a user needs to expand on the subject, they can do so by simply adding a comment to a ticket.

This was done to make reporting more simplified, and to keep the format of tickets the same whether or not they were entered through the Web Interface, or created through the Email-To-Ticket conversion feature.

Attachment Compression and Uniqueness

Attachments which are not already compressed will be compressed before storing in the database. The upgrade process will compress existing attachments and future attachments will be compressed as they are added. This should reduce database size as attachment data tends to be the majority of the database's data.

Attachments can now be forced to be unique within its respective table, or related record. This should help one recognize that an attachment already exists. In addition, emails with social media icons, and signature logos will no longer clutter up tickets created by the Email-To-Ticket converter.


Email-To-Ticket Improvements

Ticket Numbers are now surrounded by square backets in ticket emails. This minimizes the possibility that a regular email that ends in a numeric value will incorrectly attach itself to an existing ticket rather than create a new ticket.

Auto-Reply/Out-of-Office emails are more closely scrutinized before classifying them as a bounce. There have been some sporadic reports of legitimate emails that have bounced (not converting to tickets). To error on the side of caution, these emails will now be further inspected to see that they start with standard out of office replies before being classified as a bounce.

"Sent from my iPad" added to reply separators.

Single quotes are now escaped in HTML which formats better in Outlook Emails.

The Signature remover now takes extra precaution before removing signatures. Users have reported cases of tickets being forwarded to the Email-To-Ticket converter and the data was removed because they renamed the subject while forwarding. To prevent this issue, the program will now check for the existence of reply separators before removing signatures.

General Ticketing

End-Users now have access to export their ticket list.

Ticket "Due Dates" can now be cleared (empty) when setting the ticket due date through the right-click context menu on the ticket list.


The Audit Computer features has moved from the Admin menu to the computer list. This feature was never restricted to administrators and the new location is more intuitive.


The Import Users from AD feature has been moved to the user list.

Most data forms now will warn a user when they attempt to navigate away from a page and there is unsaved changed data.

User ID and timestamp is now associated with attachments so that one can see who attached the file and when.

The Web Tracks Spell Checker has been removed from the program as all modern browsers now include this feature.

Update all checkboxes to use the Toggle check box look (most were already done but now they should all be consistent).

Delete buttons are now hidden if the user does not have delete permissions. Previously they were "grayed out".

Multiple Email addresses for a technician is no longer supported in the user record. This functionality has been deprecated for many versions. If multiple addresses are required, consider creating a tech group with multiple members.

SQL Database fields that were previously "Image" fields have been upgraded to Microsoft's recommendation of VarBinary(Max).

SQL Database fields that were previously "nText" fields have been upgraded to Microsoft's recommendation of nVarchar(Max). This can help database performance and allow this data type to be compared without first casting the data.

User last names have increased from 15 to 35 characters which matches Active Directory

Default dashboard objects have had their styles slightly modified to look more modern.

History fields can now be expanded to show more data.

Google font sources have been removed and replaced by standard fonts that all browsers support. This should help slightly with speed as well as installations that are not connected to the Internet.

When Importing users, the LDAP filter can now be customized.


Importing XML Audit Files now properly updates the "Last Audited Date".

Fixed Ticket Merge issue where an error would occur if the requester of the ticket being merged was already cc'd on the target ticket.


Web Tracks 2023 requires version 4.8 of the .NET Framework. If this is not already present on the computer the installer will install version 4.8 as a prerequisite.

Web Tracks 2023 requires "Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable". If not already present on the computer the installer will install it as a prerequisite.

Database schema will be updated to 12.00. You should create a backup copy of your database before applying this update.


Date: Monday, March 20, 2023

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