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    Working with Documentation
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    Web Tracks Windows Service
    Web Tracks Report Designer
    Working with Purchase Orders
 Service Desk
    Working with Service Desk Tickets
    Working with the Knowledge Base
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Home > Administrative > Application Settings

Application Settings

The 'Application Settings' form is accessible to administrators of the database through the Admin menu. The form is divided in to four tabs. Each tab contains the global preferences that can be set for different areas within Web Tracks.  The settings on this form are global which means that all Web Tracks users will see the changes you make.


Tables that are administrative related are Departments and Locations.  These tables can also be accessed using the main form's Data Menu. 

Page/Header Title - The title that appears in the upper left hand portion of the website. 

Theme - Choose a theme to change the style of the web site.

Header Image - Upload an image to use as your site's logo.  The image will appear as actual size so you should modify the image to the desired height & width before uploading it to the database.

Image Navigation Url -  Enter the Url to be taken to when a user clicks your header image.  If left blank the image will not act as a hyperlink. 


Session Length - The length of time the server will store session information for the signed in user.  The session is refreshed each time a new request is processed by the server.  The maximum value for session length is 1440 minutes (24 hours).  

Maximum Attachment Size Allowed - The size in KB of the maximum allowable attachment size.  Users will receive an error when they attempt to upload a file larger than this setting permits.  Keeping this setting to a reasonable value (1000 KB) will keep your database size manageable. 

Suggested Due Date Offset - The number of days to the current date when suggesting a due date for new service desk tickets.

Knowledge Base Description Preview Length - The number of characters which will be displayed in the list view for a knowledge base article.

Service Desk Description Preview Length - The number of characters which will be displayed in the list view for a service desk ticket (only applies if the preview row is enabled -- see below).

Service Desk Late Color Indicator - The highlight color for tickets which are past due.

Service Desk Due Today Color Indicator - The highlight color of the row for tickets which are due today.

Flagged Software Color Indicator - The highlight color for flagged software products.

Private Technician Comments Color Indicator - The highlight color for private ticket comments.

Show Service Desk Description Field as a Preview Row for Technicians - If checked the preview row is displayed for technicians.

Show Service Desk Description Field as a Preview Row for end-users - If checked the preview row is displayed for end-users.

Allow technicians to modify an existing Ticket's Description - If checked a technician can modify the description of a ticket.

Allow technicians to override comment dates - If checked technicians can change the date/time of existing comments.

Allow end-users to modify the Due Date when creating new Tickets - if checked an end-user can override the suggested due date.

Allow end-users to reopen their closed Tickets - If checked an end-user can reopen a ticket which has been closed.

Allow end-users to close their open Tickets - If checked an end-user can close their own open tickets.

Allow end-users to view Record History - If checked end-users will see the record history tab along with any text contained in the history field.

Allow Access to the Knowledge Base without Logging in - If checked public knowledge base articles can be viewed without logging in to Web Tracks.  If checked you can provide a direct links (e.g., http://YourWebServer/WebTracks/kb/kb.aspx) from other sources to this page.  You may also want to create a Dashboard Object which displays this link in the login page. 

Password Authentication Mode

 Application  Users login to Web Tracks using their Web Tracks Password
 Active Directory  User login to Web Tracks using their Active Directory Password
 Mixed Mode  Users login to the Application using either a Web Tracks Password or their Active Directory Password

NOTE:  Web Tracks Administrators may always authenticate using 'Application' mode (even if the mode is set to Active Directory).  This is done to prevent a possible lock out.  Web Tracks does not force passwords (i.e., they can be blank) so it is highly recommended to set Web Tracks passwords for all administrators.  When Mixed Mode authentication is used Web Tracks first attempts to authenticate using the 'Application' password.

Even if you have selected Active Directory or Mixed Mode authentication the user account must exist in the Web Tracks database for the user to be authenticated.  See Working with Users and Importing Users for additional information.

AD Local Domain - The domain to which Active Directory accounts are authenticated.  This is required for Active Directory and Mixed Mode authentication mode.


Choose the columns that your end-users will see when viewing the Service Desk Ticket List.  Web Tracks Technicians can customize their views individually.


Company Name - The company name which appears on the header of purchase orders

Company Address - The company address which appears on the header of purchase orders

Company Phone - The company phone which appears on the header of purchase orders

Company Fax - The company fax which appears on the header of purchase orders

Tax Exempt Number - Tax Exempt number which may be visible to vendors

Default Tax Rate - The default tax rate for your purchases (in a percentage value)

Company Logo - Upload an image to use as a logo on your purchase ordersThe image will appear as actual size so you should modify the image to the desired height & width before uploading it to the database.

Late PO Color Indicator - The highlight color of the row for purchase orders containing items which are past due.

Due Today PO Color Indicator - The highlight color of the row for purchase orders containing items which are due in today.

See also