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Home > Administrative > Upsizing to SQL Server

Upsizing to SQL Server

IMPORTANT: Web Tracks will only operate with SQL Server with an Enterprise Registration Key.

If you purchased the Enterprise Edition of Web Tracks, you have the option of upsizing your Database to SQL Server. Doing so eliminates the corruption issues associated with large Microsoft Access databases, speeds up performance across WAN connections, and provides a highly scalable database.

Step-by-step Instructions

Step 1 - Launch Microsoft Access

IMPORTANT: You must use a copy of Microsoft Access XP, 2003 or 2007 to run the Upsize Wizard (DO NOT USE the Access 97 or 2000 upsizing tools).  To Upsize a Database to SQL Server 2008 you must using Access 2007 SP2 or newer.

Step 2 - Open the WebTracks.mdb file using the following method 

  1. Under the Open a File section, choose More Files...
  2. Browse to the location of your WebTracks.mdb file and highlight it (do not double-click).
  3. From the Open command drop down list, choose Open Exclusive. If you are unable to open this exclusively, make sure other users do not have this file open then try this again.


    Step 3 - Upsizing the Database

    1.  From the Tools Menu, choose Database Utilities--Upsizing Wizard.
    2.  Select the Create New Database Option.
    3.  Click Next.
    4.  Type in the name or IP Address of your SQL Server Database Server.
    5.  Enter an Administrative Logon ID and Password for the SQL Database Server (or use the trusted connection option if your current login ID has permissions to this SQL Server).
    6.  Enter the name of the database you wish to create (e.g., WebTracksSQL).
    7.  Click Next.
    8.  Click the >> command to have all tables exported.
    9.  Click Next.
    10.  Select Indexes, Validation Rules, Defaults, and Table Relationships.
    11.  For the Table Relationships option, choose Use triggers.
    12.  From the Time Stamp Option, choose 'No, Never'.
    13.  Make sure that the 'Create Table Structure Only' option is unchecked.
    14.  Click Next.
    15.  Select the No Application changes option.
    16.  Click Next.
    17.  Click Finish.

      Step 4 - Modify the db.config file

      Edit the db.config file located in the ‘C:\Program Files\Gritware\Web Tracks\WebRoot’ folder.


      Rename the entry for the MS Access Database….


        <add name="WebTracks_sql" connectionString="Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=mySQLServer;Initial Catalog=WebTracksSQL;User Id=sa;password=123"/>
        <add name="NOT_USING" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Gritware\Web Tracks\WebRoot\App_Data\WebTracks.mdb" providerName="System.Data.OleDb"/>



      Modify the Connection String to point to your SQL Server Database and change the name from WebTracks_sql to WebTracks

        <add name="WebTracks" connectionString="Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=mySQLServer;Initial Catalog=WebTracksSQL;User Id=sa;password=123"/>